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Curso de preparación para el examen Inglés A2
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Duración 90 horas

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Al adquirir este curso tendrás también acceso a la sección Idiomas de la plataforma, donde hay 216 videos complementarios de este nivel.

Este curso buscar capacitar al alumnado para el uso del idioma de manera sencilla y eficaz, buscando el comprender, expresarse e interactuar, en situaciones cotidianas, que necesiten el comprender y enfrentarse a textos breves, que traten aspectos básicos concretos de temas generales y que contengan expresiones, estructuras y léxico de uso frecuente.


UNIT 1: formas comparativa y superlativa - preposiciones de movimiento o dirección - imperativos
1.1 Estructuras más usuales para hablar del tiempo
1.2 El adjetivo. Forma comparativa
1.3 El adjetivo. Forma superlativa
1.4 Imperatives
1.5 Preposiciones de dirección o movimiento
1.6 Watch the video then read the script
1.7 Comparing cities
1.8 Write the comparative
1.9 Write the opposites
1.10 Complete the sentences
1.11 Study the Grammar Box
1.12 Write the superlative forms
1.13 Complete the sentences
1.14 Watch the video then read the script
1.15 Complete the sentences
1.16 Watch the video then read the script
1.17 Vocabulary practice
1.18 Preposiciones de dirección o movimiento
1.19 Now look at the map
1.20 Give the comparative form
1.21 Complete the sentences using a comparative
1.22 Write a comparative sentence
1.23 Language in use
1.24 Grammar practice
1.25 Test your knowledge
1.26 Vocabulary practice
1.27 Put the words in the correct order
1.28 Complete the sentences with the prepositions
1.29 Language in use
1.30 Grammar practice
1.31 Language in use
1.32 Writing
1.33 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos

UNIT 2: Present Simple - Present continuous - pronombres posesivos - adjetivos posesivos
2.1 The Present Simple
2.2 Los verbos asociados con el tema de la vestimenta
2.3 Write the opposites of these adjectives
2.4 The Present Continuous Tense
2.5 Los pronombres posesivos
2.6 Listening
2.7 Comprehension check
2.8 Writing
2.9 Read the following sentences
2.10 Read the following article
2.11 Label the different parts of the body
2.12 Describe the people in the pictures
2.13 Louise lost her luggage at the airport
2.14 Clothes and accesories
2.15 Present Simple or Present Continuous
2.16 Each sentence has a mistake
2.17 Going shopping
2.18 Differences between pictures A and B
2.19 Grammar practice
2.20 Put the words in the right order
2.21 Complete with a suitable possessive adjective or pronoun
2.22 Finish the sentences with the Present
2.23 Write a composition describing yourself
2.24 Write a composition on one of the following topics
2.25 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos

UNIT 3: going to - infinitivo - shall, let - how about
3.1 Los distintos medios de comunicacion
3.2 Distintas formulas para hacer sugerencias
3.3 Language in use
3.4 Going to
3.5 El infinitivo de intencionalidad
3.6 Now check with the grammar box
3.7 Read it then answer the questions
3.8 Now write all the sentences
3.9 Find words in the fax that match the following definitions
3.10 Choose the correct verb
3.11 Making arrangements
3.12 Grammar
3.13 Rewrite the sentences
3.14 Watch the video then read the script
3.15 Comprehension check
3.16 Language in use
3.17 Respond to the statements below with a question
3.18 Put a preposition into each gap
3.19 Grammar practice
3.20 Vocabulary practice
3.21 Writing
3.22 Complete the following sentences
3.23 Writing
3.24 Grammar practice
3.25 Writing
3.26 Write true sentences
3.27 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos

UNIT 4: formas interrogativas - have to
4.1 Vocabulario mas utilizado en las estaciones de ferrocarril
4.2 Las formas interrogativas
4.3 Grammar practice
4.4 Los adverbios de modo
4.5 Have to
4.6 Say y tell
4.7 An Unlikely Accident
4.8 Watch the video again and answer the questions
4.9 Match each word with its synonym
4.10 Grammar Box
4.11 Read the following newspaper article
4.12 Look for all the adverbs in the newspaper article
4.13 Choose the correct word
4.14 Fill in the gaps
4.15 Grammar practice
4.16 Read the text below and answer the questions
4.17 Try to complete the dialogue
4.18 Match the definitions
4.19 Put the words in the following questions in the right order
4.20 Choose a verb and an adverb
4.21 Put the sentences in the right order
4.22 Respond to the following questions
4.23 Write ten sentences about yourself
4.24 Answer the questions below in the short form
4.25 Choose one of the following topics and write a composition
4.26 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos

UNIT 5: past simple - preposiciones y expresiones de tiempo - respuestas cortas afirmativas
5.1 Celebraciones y ceremonias personales
5.2 Formulas de cortesia
5.3 The Past Simple Tense
5.4 Los números ordinales
5.5 Vocabulary Help Box
5.6 Write the following dates in two different ways
5.7 Time expressions
5.8 Listening
5.9 Make and do
5.10 Ago
5.11 Rewrite the following sentences
5.12 Fill in the blanks
5.13 The Telephone Conversation
5.14 Find expressions in the dialogue which mean
5.15 The following statements
5.16 List of Irregular Verbs
5.17 Grammar practice
5.18 Read and complete the text
5.19 Love at First Sight
5.20 Listening
5.21 Complete the sentences
5.22 Write questions and answers about the story
5.23 Grammar Help Box
5.24 Writing
5.25 Read the text and choose the correct option
5.26 Writing
5.27 Answer the following questions using the information below
5.28 The Interview
5.29 Listening
5.30 Write the opposite of these words
5.31 Fill in the blanks
5.32 Answer the questions about yourself
5.33 Language in use
5.34 Writing
5.35 Language in use
5.36 Write some sentences about yourself
5.37 Translate the following sentences
5.38 Look at the pictures and write a paragraph explaining what happened
5.39 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos

UNIT 6: past continuous - past simple
6.1 Vocabulario relacionado con el tema de la delincuencia
6.2 La diferencia entre steal y rob
6.3 The past continuous tense
6.4 Las expresiones de cantidad
6.5 An investigation
6.6 Vocabulary
6.7 Watch the video then read the script
6.8 Say whether the statements are true or false
6.9 Grammar practice
6.10 Getting back to work
6.11 Grammar practice
6.12 Complete the following text
6.13 Reading
6.14 Vocabulary practice
6.15 Choose the correct form of the verb
6.16 Corret the following sentences
6.17 Writing
6.18 Answer the following questions about yourself
6.19 Writing
6.20 What were you doing
6.21 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos

UNIT 7: will - going to - present continuous - question tags
7.1 Las diferentes formas de ofrecer y pedir ayuda
7.2 Los sufijos para crear nuevo vocabulario
7.3 Going to
7.4 Will
7.5 The present continuous tense
7.6 Question Tags
7.7 Read the fax and choose the right option
7.8 Watch the video and answer the questions
7.9 True or False
7.10 Complete the following sentences
7.11 Watch the video and read the script
7.12 Grammar
7.13 Listening
7.14 Language in use
7.15 Making arrangements
7.16 Grammar practice
7.17 Now check your answers
7.18 Grammar Box
7.19 Complete the sentences
7.20 Vocabulary practice
7.21 Writing
7.22 Complete the conversation
7.23 Vocabulary practice
7.24 Reading
7.25 Writing
7.26 Grammar practice
7.27 Finish each statement with a question tag
7.28 Writing
7.29 Answer the following questions below
7.30 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos

UNIT 8: present simple - present continuous - past simple - goint to y will - adverbios de frecuencia - expresiones de tiempo
8.1 Vocabulario más usual para describir dolencias
8.2 Present simple or present continuous
8.3 Past Simple or Past Continuous
8.4 Future
8.5 Vocabulario
8.6 At the Office
8.7 Stationery and office supplies
8.8 Reading Comprehension
8.9 True or False
8.10 Vocabulary practice
8.11 Complete the sentences
8.12 Complete the script
8.13 Listening
8.14 Vocabulary practice
8.15 Translate these expressions
8.16 Reading
8.17 Read the letter again
8.18 Read the following thank you notes
8.19 Grammar practice
8.20 Complete the sentences
8.21 Language in use
8.22 Write a dialogue
8.23 Complete the sentences
8.24 Grammar practice
8.25 Complete the sentences
8.26 Writing
8.27 Grammar practice
8.28 Complete the conversation
8.29 Writing
8.30 Cuestionario: Objetivos didácticos
8.31 Cuestionario: Cuestionario final